New Year’s Resolutions are about learning new skills, meeting new people and pursuing new passions; all of which those that become volunteers for Shakespeare’s Schoolroom and Guildhall can experience. Two volunteer events (12th and 21st January) are being organised that local people of all ages looking for fresh inspiration for 2016 are invited to attend to find out more about the roles available.
This highly anticipated new cultural attraction, set to open in April 2016, will bring to life for the first time where and how Shakespeare spent his early school days, a period of his life which was to set him on his path to becoming the world’s most admired playwright. The results will realise the vision of the Trustees of King Edward VI School, which has been made possible by a £1.4million restoration funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Specific volunteer roles have been developed within the project, including front of house positions in which people will be welcoming visitors from across the world and opportunities to assist with curating temporary exhibitions. From Shakespeare aficionados to those looking to develop a career in the heritage sector, there is a wealth of opportunities for people to utilise their skills, at the same as gaining unique experiences for life.
Shakespeare Schoolroom and Guildhall Project Lead, Lincoln Clarke, says, “We will be welcoming volunteers from all ages and backgrounds to grasp the enthusiasm for exciting challenges that comes at the start of the New Year and be part of a project that is wonderful not only for Stratford, but for the rest of the world. The reward of volunteering is also brings the chance to acquire new skills, meet interesting people and even start the path to a new career.”
Volunteer Open sessions will take place at King Edward VI School, Stratford-upon-Avon on Tuesday 12th January and Thursday 21st January between 5.30pm and 7.30pm. There will be a talk at 6.00pm on each evening to give details of the roles available, with members of the project team on hand to answer questions and give an insight into the project.
Actors recreating what school life would have been like for pupils such as William Shakespeare, interactive displays and films are all part of the Shakespeare Schoolroom and Guildhall experience. Alongside this the building’s place at the heart of the town’s civic governance will be explored and, as someone who once held the position of councilor, Shakespeare’s father’s own role within this structure.